Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Have a great summer!

All the best to my fabulous English 9s!  Thanks for a wonderful year of reading, writing, and musing about life.  I wish you the best as you move through the summer and into next year.

Baby #2 and I will visit McRoberts sometime late fall - hopefully we'll see you in the hallways! Don't be a stranger - come and say hello.

It has been an honour and a pleasure...

Ms. R

Monday, May 11, 2015

May 11th…a few people away

For those of you who missed today's class…and there seemed to be a few…hope you're all okay…

Please make sure that you are ready to go with all reading and work for Wednesday's first Lit Circle meeting.  If you are going to be away ensure that you email your work to your group and myself (RReichert@sd38.bc.ca) so that we can benefit from your reading and responses.  No work to class on Wed=no access to your group so it is very important that you are ready to go.

Today we began "The Tell-Tale Heart" by E. A. Poe - you'll be able to find a text version of the story online very easily - highly recommended that you read it and listen along to an audio version.  The link below should take you the one we listened to in class…

Tell Tale Heart

Hope to see you all on Wednesday.

Ms. R

Friday, April 10, 2015

Friday April 10

Hi there,

A few students away today… we talked about the YCJA and the benefits and pitfalls of custody vs. banishment…. and then a big question - Did banishment fail Cole, or did Cole fail himself?

1.  Weekend reading - read from ch 14- to the end of Ch 19… Choose 1 quote from each chapter and draw a little picture/symbol to represent the importance/main idea…sticky notes or chart will work.  -stamp check Tues

2.  Finish the Punishment report that you started in class.  Did banishment fail Cole or did Cole fail himself?
Upcoming dates - Ch 14-22 quotations test Thurs April 16th, Book share (your letter essay) April 21st….

New marks are posted….

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Still away???? Need to catch up??? April 2nd

As some of you need to play catch up and a couple are still away here is where the class is at…

Today we had the wonderful M. Giard come present a restorative justice/Aboriginal culture workshop. Fantastic!!!

In terms of your reading of Touching Spirit Bear by Wed April 8th you should be at the end of chapter 10.  For each chapter (7,8,9,10) please write two questions (for the characters/author) and find two juicy quotes (and explain why you chose them)…  So 8 questions, 8 quotations…

Have a wonderful looooong weekend.

See you Wednesday!

Ms. R

Friday, March 13, 2015

Spring Break 2015

Happy Spring Break!!!  I wish you all a wonderful two weeks doing wonderful things with wonderful people…maybe a wonderful book too?

Over the break you need to read Touching Spirit Bear to the end of page 57.  There will be a short (ten mark) quiz when you return to assess whether you completed reading.  Very short answer format.  If you do the reading, you'll be fine.

See you on the 31st!!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Mon Jan 26th

Another very busy day.

Today we finished up the Queen Mab drawings, line references...and got ourselves through 1.5 - the party scene where Romeo and Juliet finally meet.

Both blocks - your Act One test is on Wed Jan 28th

Part One 11 marks Character matching - use your character whose who handout to get ready

Part Two 28 marks - choose 7 out of 10 quotes

For each quote you need to identify the speaker (1 mark) and then in a few sentences analyze and explain the importace of the quote (3 marks).

In order to study for this test use No Fear Shakespeare to predict what quotes you think I'll choose...I've gone for obvious.


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tuesday Jan 20th

Today we talked about dreaming, reading, and directing a movie....

We quickly reviewed 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and watched Zeferelli's movie adaptation.  We got started with 1.4 and the Queen Mab speech - we'll finish this off together next day.

Homework:  READ

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wed Jan 14th

Today I handed back recent work box project, opinion piece, and research.  Updated marks are posted...  See me for extra help if you'd like some extra guidance with your writing.

We got into the first scene of the play and enjoyed the action, rude jokes, and meeting (1-2) a lovesick Romeo.

Please make sure you and your parents fill out the Perfect Mate Sheet...no cheating...don't read each others' response before you/your parents actually do.  We'll have a great discussion next day about what we want for ourselves and how what our parents want for us do/don't match.

Homework:  READ, Perfect Mate sheet

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Tues Jan 6th - Happy New Year!!!

Welcome back!  I hope you had a great break...

Today we started a new unit - Romeo and Juliet.

On Mon Jan 12th students will be presenting: a biographical tidbit, and an item/interesting fact about Shakespeare that is more 2015ish...  10 marks up for grabs, must be here Monday to take advantage.

Students also set their Term 2 reading goals...please make sure you have something good to help you get started.  Remember that it's time to challenge and push yourself...try something different...

Homework:  Shakespeare Show and Tell  - Monday Jan 12th and READ