Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thursday Dec 1

Visual Response Projects -  all classes and students participated in small group presentations today.  It was so great to see students communicating about their reading with each other.  You've all convinced me that this format (though not perfect) is worthwhile! 

For Monday:  READ, finish reflection (you'll be handing in reflection + evaluation sheet you filled out in your groups on Monday)


1.  Did you have everything required?  Yes? Why were you able to 'have it all'?
     No? What are you missing?  Why?

2.  What was the experience like? -the process of creating project -presenting in small groups

3.  3 things I was impressed with today...

4.  3 things I was not impress with today...

5.  3 ways I was successful...

6.  3 ways I could have improved...

***All students will hand in reflection + peer evaluation sheets on Monday...

Have a great weekend!  See you Monday.

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